Janet Sarah Donehue McGervey

Janet Sarah Donehue McGervey

After a brief illness, Janet Sarah Donehue McGervey passed away on Monday, February 19th. Though no longer up and about during her illness, her will and spirit remained strong to the end. All five of her children plus her niece were able to be with her for long periods in her final days. We shared many memories with and about Mom and her wonderful life. Her kindness, humor and welcoming smile were evident to all throughout her life.

Janet was born October 1, 1935, in Pittsburgh, PA to Charles Edward Donehue and Rose Catherine (Schmitt) Donehue.  She was married for 55 years to Walter J. McGervey, who passed away in 2012.  She is preceded in death by her older siblings:  Edward (Ed), Paul (Bud) and Barbara (Eberle) Donehue.

Janet grew up in the hilly neighborhood of the West End and throughout her life regaled her children of the challenge of walking up the steep (!) Walbridge Street to her home twice a day to go/come school and for lunch.

Janet was a graduate of St. James School, West End.  As a high school student, Janet was very active, particularly in acting and theater, even writing a “news” broadcast about the future exploits of her classmates.  In 1996, long after her children had grown, she earned an Associate’s Degree from Robert Morris College, Moon Township, PA.

Janet married Walter J. McGervey on September 28, 1957, at St. Margaret’s Church in Greentree.  After marriage Janet and Walt lived in Grand View in Crafton before moving to their new home on Crosstree Road in Moon Township in 1961.  The growing family lived in Moon for 54 years. 

Like many 1960 neighborhoods – all built at the same time – there were lots of kids all the same age as Janet’s 5.  There was a well-trod path, which in winter, was an awesome sledding hill, continuing from the McGervey yard to the next house & street below.  Many kids in the neighborhood would pass along the path throughout the day.  Even after her own kids were grown and gone, kids still came to sled and neighbors would call Janet to see if she had seen their kids “cut through” from her kitchen window.

In 1972 she became a switchboard operator p/t at Robert Morris College.  She joined RMC’s Development Office F/T in 1976 working for then Vice President CR Miller.  In 1979 she became Secretary to the President, later Executive Assistant to the President in 1985, serving 3 RMC Presidents, including Charles L Sewell and Edward Nicholson, before she retired from this position in July 2004.  She continued to work part-time in Marketing and Development until June 2007.

Janet was a member of St. Margaret Mary Church, Moon Township and was an active member of the Women’s Guild serving as President and other officer positions in the Guild. To her children’s delight, Janet also co-chaired the annual Easter Candy fundraiser for many years.  Janet was a Brownie and Girl Scout Leader, a coach of the Parakeets youth softball team and, with her husband, volunteered in Moon Senior High School Band Parents.

For several years in the 1970-80s, she organized a recycling drop-off/pick-up program in her garage in the Amherst Acres neighborhood of Moon Township.  A lover of popcorn, she always popped bags of it to distribute on Halloween.

For more than 20 Years, Janet and Walt joined Rich and Mary Teitz and George and Genevieve Fisher in the “Mystery Dinner Club.”  Each month one couple would select a restaurant, keeping the destination a secret until they arrived.  If a choice was particularly outstanding the other couples would award the “Pink Flamingo” award, a large pink lawn decoration “secretly” staked in the front yard of the winning couple.  

When Walt retired, she joined him as a Meals on Wheels volunteer.  They were also active in RMC’s 20 Year Club, Dravo Seniors and as supporters of the Lincoln Highway Association.

Janet & Walt both loved to travel – for many years they were distinctive in their blue Volkswagen vans and lime green Beetle.  Growing up their kids were constantly subjected to the dreaded “scenic route” aka the long way home.  Jan & Walt continued to take many day trips and much longer road trips visiting their children as they moved on to college (Ohio, New Jersey and DC) and settled in North Carolina, Maryland and Northern Virginia. 

In 2015 Janet moved to Arlington, VA to be closer to her children and grandchildren. She loved to be out of doors and enjoying the many new places to dine with her family.

Janet and Walt supported all 5 of their children in whatever they wanted to do – music lessons, sports, art classes, travel and trips – giving them lots of freedom, trust and support.  Janet told her kids, “I love being a Mom and Wife, but I don’t like being a housewife.”  She was also the biggest sports fan in the family, watching games on TV, leaving the room during stressful plays, just like her mother did.

Janet is survived by her five children:  Walter C McGervey (Karen Parker), Statesville, NC; Jean McGervey O’Connor (Greg O’Connor), Arlington, VA; Eileen McGervey, Arlington; Joseph McGervey (Katie Kroehle), Silver Spring, MD; Teresa McGervey, Arlington, and her grandchildren:  Colin, Neil & Eileen O’Connor, Max & Oscar McGervey.

She is also survived by her sister-in-law Nancy McGervey, and many nieces, nephews, cousins and extended family.

Family and friends are invited to remember Janet with her family at a Visitation at Huntsman Funeral Home (1522 Coraopolis Heights Rd, Moon Township) on Thursday, July 25 from 5 pm to 7 pm.  On Friday, July 26, a Funeral Mass will be held at St. Margaret Mary/Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, 1 Parish Place, Moon Township at 10:00 am.  Her Internment at Holy Souls Cemetery, 4772 Campbells Run Road, Robinson Township will be held immediately following the service.  

In lieu of flowers donations can be made to West Hills Meals on Wheels or to a food bank in your local community.

One thought on “Janet Sarah Donehue McGervey

  1. Eileen, it was so nice to meet and talk with you last night at the funeral home and to see all the pictures of your Mom and family. She was beloved at Robert Morris, always kind, gentle, welcoming and smiling. I love the story about the Baileys and it is one of my favorites as well. I will toast your Mom now whever I have it. Thank you so much for sharing your memories and Janet’s life with me. Blessings to you and all your family. She was a wonderful woman.

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